Getting Started
Welcome to LOA!
We are excited for you to join our Online Program! We want to provide you with everything you will need or run into on your journey to graduation. Listed below is our "Getting Started Guide". This guide provides links to everything you will need or questions you may have relating to getting started online.
Welcome to LOA Middle and High School
- Always login with Omni ID
- Device Protection Plan
- JAMF Parent
- Tech Tips and Tricks (General troubleshooting)
- Can’t open documents in Schoology
- Can’t submit from Notability to Schoology
- Can’t submit or see assignments in Schoology
- Notability is not backing up
- Incident IQ help tickets
- Logging into Webex paper directions
- Logging into Webex video directions
- 8th Grade class connects Webex links
- Logging into the White Schoology (outside of Omni ID)
- Students check in every day on Campus
- Setting up Parent Schoology account
- Signup for Quill
- Backing up Notablity iCloud
- Adding something to the control panel
- Parent Campus login
- If your child will be gone
- To connect a Parent Schoology Account to a student (Middle and HS)
- How to get tech help (Create a ticket in Incident IQ)
- No Webex sound
- Uploading a video to Google Drive
Direct help
Loralee Anderson 952-232-2350
Ivan Lopez
Welcome to LOA Elementary
- Infinite Campus parent portal
- Device protection link
- Always login with Omni ID
- Logging into Seesaw (Elementary)
- Logging into IXL Math (Omni ID click IXL icon and login with Google)
- Logging into Webex and split screen Ms. Blaha K-1 Ms. Sauber 2-3 Ms. Krupke 4-5 Ms. Anderson DLS
- Raz Kids (Learning A-Z app teacher sends login info)
- Epic (app login) Login with classcode and password posted on SeeSaw page
- Zearn (bookmark and login with a username and password from teacher)
- Pebble Go on Omni ID
- No Webex sound
Physical material pickup (bin with child’s name)